Werner Kurpjuweit wernerlisa WKLKYULFRAGRU Stripchat/C4S/Portal Dilson Stein model, erotische and fashion โ
Happily made for Lisaonthemoon, sex is my business, stream, porn, sex Match, funsex, sex service related, 35mm and digital platform โ
Born in ๐ง๐ทโ
Wealth/fortune/growth based in ๐บ๐ธโ
Lifetime partner and home in ๐ฉ๐ชโ
witch spells/druid self/posh/self beyond to beliefs communication based in ๐จ๐ฎโ
Beauty all by ๐จ๐ตโ
Air ticket/flight attendant/airport counter skilled since 2014 with proven to work in the civil aviation services โ
Registered democrat (DNC) ๐บ๐ธ, voting abroad ballot registered in โ
Plane spotter, filming and hold still instant get โ
Homeland security skillet info, gun permit for soonโ
Sex enjoyer, Funtime full 24/7, any day is sex for, here and there we settle โ
Porn proven lover, acknowledged, stripper live long get (1987-2003)โ
Travel lover, new experience open menu friendly for โ
Networking friendly, acquaintance and spiceup as long as my Lisaโ