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#art #performance #erotic #tattoo
In my shows, I really like to go back to primordial time (or the collective unconscious, if you like). Completely turn off the mind, allowing only instinct to such moments, movements automatically change, the body becomes more flexible, and the gaze becomes deep and detached at the same this moment we don't think, we absorb each other. I call this performance "Primitive Woman". On the one hand, she has little knowledge about the world, on the other - she is wiser than all of us.

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#performance #stream #newideas #sexuality #emotionalburnout #mypsychology #eroticism #yourpresence
I notice that emotional burnout is killing us. But at the same time, I understand that an instant exit from the comfort zone can help us by getting new emotions. Including sexual ones. I love different sexual practices: gentle sex, slow and careful sex, as well as rough sex, in general, different types of sexuality. But I have one constant: either we are equal partners, or I dominate you. There is no third option.
At this difficult time, I decided on a difficult experiment. What if I just sit across from you, not demanding a conversation. Yes, this is an absolutely accurate reference to Marina Abramovich's performance. She sat in complete silence, and the audience that was there realized that they could take any object and use it as they wanted.
For a long time, they not only touched the artist, but also caused her pain. Others, on the contrary, chose tenderness. The experiment was stopped only when one of the guests took a loaded pistol from the table. Then the artist stood up, and the audience quickly left the hall, frightened by their own subconscious.
Fortunately, we don't use knives and can't hurt each other. But each guest has a huge number of tools that affect me physically. It could be a lovense-control of such power that it would make me cry from orgasm. It can be an endless gamble in the wheel of fortune or the decision to pour oil on my nylon. It may be a desire to tear my clothes. It can be anything you find on my menu.
It is clear that all these actions are not free. But the experiment is that for quite a long time I transfer power to you and you become the directors of my show, using the tools that are available to you. I'm terribly curious about what your choice will tell me about your subconscious desires. And I'm very curious how my psyche will react. The psyche of that woman who loves to keep everything under control.Take a chance?

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#performance #stream #newideas #sexuality #emotionalburnout #mypsychology #eroticism #yourpresence
I am very stubborn and perceive difficulties as a creative challenge. Yes, I'm human too, and I get tired too. Sometimes the most sensitive of you notice it. But does this mean that we have to suffer from emotional burnout, hiding from the world under a blanket? If you feel really bad, then, of course, yes, it's better to stay there and give yourself a rest.
But other things also save us from emotional burnout. For example, to switch attention to something new. Therefore, several ideas for performative streams were instantly born in my head, which I will gradually tell you about here.
The first one is:
You've probably noticed that lately I've been moving more than talking. This is not an accident. I know how difficult it is for many of us to engage in deep conversations right now.
And at the same time, I know that sometimes feelings heal, and thoughts cripple. Therefore, my performance No. 1 looks something like this:
I move a lot and rarely talk to you, gradually immersing you in my cyclical, hyponizing movements. I see your messages, read them, but rarely respond. Not because I'm ignoring you. But because I want to try to talk at the level of sensations, emotions and body language.
I know that you perfectly understand my facial expressions and body movements. And I suggest you speak this alien language. Touch me more often so that I feel you literally next to me. I imagined your warm hands and understood your desires. The intensity of the touch affects what I think of you. No, I don't think "he's rich or he's poor". I think: he's gentle today, probably wants to take care of me. This person is cautious and shy. This one prefers to take his time. And this one is quite audacious: he probably wants to throw out all the emotions at once (and I like it, because I need it too).
In such a paradigm, our thoughts and assessments disappear, only the essence of what is happening remains. And the unreal becomes real.