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You’re done with setting up your profile (avatar, cover background, bio, etc…). But you’re still missing the foundation of your club: content!

Post both photos and videos

Variety is the spice of life, and that’s exactly what potential fans want to see in your profile. While photos are great and a must-have, videos can provide a more dynamic and engaging way to showcase your personality and essence. My.Club’s user engagement may also vary depending on the type of content and preferences of each user, so post a mixture of both photos and videos to cover all fronts.

Post both free and paid content

This is one of My.Club’s profile best practices. The way My.Club works, is that as a user browsing thought the platform, you can see anyone’s free content, however the paid one appears blurred and you can only see it after joining said club. So, with this in mind, you must try to post a combination of both paid and free posts on your profile. The free posts will be like the bait that users who come across your profile will take. If they’re impressed by them, they’ll probably be intrigued by the paid ones and therefore the chance of them paying the subscription will be higher.

You’re basically giving potential followers a taste of what they can expect from you, while also showing them that you have valuable content that is worth paying for. Furthermore, captions of paid content are visible, so it’s your perfect chance to write something that depicts what the content is about while making it eye-catching and compelling. It’s all about creating enough curiosity to kill the cat. You can even (actually, you should) add hashtags, as these will help users navigate through your content and find exactly what they’re looking for.

Needless to say, all your photos and videos should be high quality. This will make you look more professional and also help you stand out from the competition. So be sure to invest in high-quality equipment to produce your best content if needed.

My.Club’s posting frequency

My.Club’s posting strategy varies depending on the type of content or post. Therefore, let’s break down My.Club’s posting frequency based on the type of post.

  1. Teaser posts

The “New” tab in the Discover page displays and updates posts in real time. That’s why, in order to be featured here, you should aim to publish at least one teaser post per day. If you post more than one per day, you will be increasing the likelihood that your teaser posts get the most likes and comments.

On the other hand, the “Top” section in the Discover page is updated once per day, so the more teaser posts you publish, the bigger chances they will be displayed there.

2. Paid and free posts (or publications with hashtags)

My.Club’s content frequency for paid and free posts will strongly depend on the size of your audience, and the quality and uniqueness of the content.

However, if you want to make it to the Hashtags page, which is also updated in real time, then you must create both paid and free posts 2 to 3 times per day and post them in different intervals of time. You can take advantage of My.Club’s scheduling feature to save you some valuable time and help you plan accordingly.

3. Stories

Stories are a powerful tool to make your profile more appealing and keep your subscribers interested in your content. Thus, we recommend posting 1-3 stories per day to keep your audience engaged.

4. Ordinary posts

Due to the high competition on the site, you must try to deliver different types of posts several times per day. One of the best posting practices for My.Club is publishing both photos and videos to keep things interesting and diverse.

In turn, if you’re creating content that it’s unique and stands from the crowd, 2-4 posts per week would be enough.

If you design your club as a personal blog where you showcase your day-to-day and regular activities, then you should strive to increase the uniqueness of your posts to make them more alluring for users on the Discover page. In such cases, 6-8 posts per week would be advisable.

My.Club posting frequency tips

Make your content work for you by shooting several days worth of videos and photos in the same setting. Creating content in chunks will help you keep your uploads consistent even on busy days. Plus, if you work with a team, creating a ton of content at once can save you money and time. No need to spread it out over weeks!

Don’t forget to switch things up with different accessories or outfits to keep things fresh and so that nobody notices that all footage belongs to the same day of shooting.

Ready to start selling your pics?

My.Club is the perfect place for you to start doing it right now, register your profile and boost your passive income.

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If you want to nail your My.Club posting schedule, trying out different posting frequencies is crucial. And to save time, you can always automate your posts using the Schedule option. But hear us out: it's not about quantity, it's about quality! Putting out awesome, engaging content that speaks to your audience is what really counts.

In short, the key to maximizing My.Club’s reach with post frequency, is to strike a balance between posting frequency and content quality. By doing so, you not only reach a wider audience but also establish your brand as a thought leader in your niche.

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