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Every content creator knows that effectively managing their content is key to success. And every content creator also knows that to effectively achieve this, you need more than just your own organizational skills; you need good tools. Thankfully, on My.Club we’ve got just the thing. Let us tell you about our game-changing media storage and content planner features.

VIP media storage for accessing and uploading content

Gone are the days of scattered files and endless searches for your footage to upload. With My.Club's media storage, we bring you a centralized hub where all your content resides. This one-stop space enables creators to seamlessly access, organize, and manage their work effortlessly.

The premise is simple: you upload all your files to your media storage for future use so that your photos and videos reside there. Thus, whenever you need to use them to create any post (teaser, story, mass message, album post, or regular post), everything will be just a click away. It’s like having your phone’s photo gallery directly on My.Club. This allows you to simplify your workflow and access your content easily and faster.

You can access your media storage directly from your drop-down menu.

Content planner to take control of your creative timeline

Time management is crucial for any situation, especially if you’re a content creator. Keeping track of content schedules across various platforms can be overwhelming. Hence, My.Club has a content scheduling and management feature to empower creators like you to stay organized and in control. And to of course, also save you lots of time!

You can plan your content releases well in advance such as posts, stories, or mass messages, ensuring a consistent and engaging flow for your audience. Set release dates, automate posts, and stay ahead of your content game. Meanwhile, spend your time on what really matters to you.

You can access the content planner directly from the platform's header (look for the calendar icon).

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